
Streaming & Instagram Growth by Ari Herstand and Lucidious

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Streaming & Instagram Growth

A step-by-step guide to creating real fans online with Ari Herstand.

Featuring guest instructor & independent Hip-Hop artist: Lucidious.

It’s 2020.

Your fans exist online.

You need to find them.

Not surprisingly, music discovery is happening on Spotify and the other streaming services. Yes, playlists are a driving force. And when an artist’s song is included in a popular playlist, their streams can be fired overnight.

I have heard of artists who were able to give up their daily jobs because they were included in some popular playlists that allowed them to get millions of streams a month (thousands of dollars a month), only to be removed from those playlists and have to They go begging for their work when their transmissions fell to practically zero.

Because that’s the thing. Inclusion in popular playlists can generate many streams (from many listeners) in a short period of time.

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