
Martin Armstrong – Hoarding Dollars Report

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Many people keep talking about the crash of the dollar which is supposed to crumble to dust and be dispersed into the wind. The bias against the dollar has been turned into a religion primarily propagated by the Gold Promoters. Unfortunately, they fail to understand the relationship of the dollar to the world economy and additionally they only look at the United States ignoring the economic trends outside the USA.
This report deals with the Next Monetary Reform many will call Bretton Woods II. What is the future for the dollar? Contrary to what many have been preaching since 1971, the dollar has not only survived, right now there remains a dollar shortage, which is one reason the dollar has been rising since 2008 when the Euro once stood at $1.60. The report also discusses the transition to digital currencies.

Bond -Stock Trading course: Learn about Bond -Stock Trading

Bond trading definition
Bond trading is one way of making profit from fluctuations in the value of corporate or government bonds.
Many view it as an essential part of a diversified trading portfolio, alongside stocks and cash.

A bond is a financial instrument that works by allowing individuals to loan cash to institutions such as governments or companies.
The institution will pay a defined interest rate on the investment for the duration of the bond, and then give the original sum back at the end of the loan’s term.

A stock trader or equity trader or share trader is a person or company involved in trading equity securities.
Stock traders may be an agent, hedger, arbitrageur, speculator, stockbroker.
Such equity trading in large publicly traded companies may be through a stock exchange.
Stock shares in smaller public companies may be bought and sold in over-the-counter (OTC) markets.

Stock traders can trade on their own account, called proprietary trading, or through an agent authorized to buy and sell on the owner’s behalf.
Trading through an agent is usually through a stockbroker. Agents are paid a commission for performing the trade.

Major stock exchanges have market makers who help limit price variation (volatility) by buying and selling a particular company’s shares on their own behalf and also on behalf of other clients.

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